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@RedPirate751 I think I replied the same way to you last time, but replying to that Islamist is important, just like replying to the #HeightTranny or to retards like this one.
The goal isn't necessarily to convince that particular person (and in #HeightTranny's case, it's too late anyway because the surgery is done). Sure, if Islamist renounces Islam, that'd be awesome for him, but that's not the goal.
It's to make sure his nonsense and lies don't remain unanswered and unchallenged.
This site gets more readers/lurkers than you think.
I don't want any lost, confused young men who are looking for answers to stumble across something stupid on here and think that it sounds like a great idea. It's especially likely now that the blowhard Andrew Tate has supposedly converted.
Stupid bullshit should not remain unchallenged.
Read MoreGene Ray the Time Cube Guy.
[One Google search later...]
You can't let nonsense go unanswered...don't DEBATE...LAUGH
Mockery? Hell yeah. This is my bailiwick.
Just one example: you missed all the #HeightTranny stuff a while back.
www.trp.red/feed/status/148059 <--- just a glimpse at the retardation.
Also, tag @JamesSkepp: it appears that you were mistaken in your assessment here. Coupled with what I said in my original reply to that linked post, that dipshit #HeightTranny deleted almost everything he ever said, from his dumbest replies in which he said that I might have done more weight and/or more reps had I only been a wee bit taller, to his very first post ever on this platform seeking validation for a stupid decision to which he'd already committed and followed through. He was most likely for real, and made most of his posts while drunk and/or on painkillers, then deleted them once he sobered up.
Read MoreI think it just clicked what this @TonySontana rereg fag's previous account was:
That goddamn retarded #HeightTranny!
As I've said other times, writing styles are like fingerprints. This is a pretty good match, from the delusions of grandeur despite being an absolute asstard, to the sperging out when met with anything other than adoration, to that gay-ass "cel" suffix on things where it doesn't fit.
Tell us: have you mutilated yourself any more lately, #HeightTranny?
CC: @Vermillion-Rx, @Lone_Ranger, @Durek_The_Bald, @woodsmoke, @mentorpheus, @TitusTorquatus, @antelope, @DeeplyDisturbed, @Victor, @redpillschool (I think that was everyone involved in the last thread roasting this flouncing fairy)
Holy shit, do any of you remember #HeightTranny? For those who don't, check out these searches (he deleted everything he ever posted when he flounce-quit):
Well, we have a burgeoning height-tranny asking about leg-lengthening surgery at the askTRP forum.
At least it isn't too late for this one.
Well, that hashtag won't work. Let's try
@58to62LegLengthening this is exactly the same as a M2F tranny posting a bunch of links to articles about how women receive preferential treatment, and then saying "thanks to my surgeries, I now benefit from gynocentrism instead of remaining a victim of it".
I'm now a top alpha male
I've known dudes as short as 5' 3" with more alpha qualities than you possess.
And just like those M2F trannies, you might look the part to someone who gives you no more than a casual glance, but anyone who looks closer will see that you are fake.
It appears that U r mad (both definitions), height-tranny.
@Antelope for all that you're correct in calling @JamesSkepp out on his inconsistency and hypocrisy, there was definitely a purpose with my responses to her, to the Mohammadan, and to the leg-lengthening #HeightTranny.
As I have stated before, I don't think I'll convince a single one of them (and in height-tranny's case, it's too late for him anyway as the surgery is done). That's not the point.
My purpose is to not let their idiocy remain unanswered and unchallenged in case any newly-unplugging, lost/confused young men come across their bullshit and think it's appealing.
Look back over my interactions with all 3. I'm mostly punching holes in their crap, pointing out errors and inconsistencies, and making fun of them.
That last part is especially important: it's fun, so lighten up, James!
From @RedPirate751:
fuck @carnold and the militant shit, it should be banned for spam. I blocked him ages ago
Agreed. He blocked me because I kept piling vcards upon him every time he spammed that gay-ass "reliable ready reference".
After a few days (weeks? I don't remember) I realized my feed was better without him in it, and blocked him back in case he changes his mind.
but looking at the hashtags on the side there, I can see he hasn't slowed down his bullshit.
Back to this in a moment.
From @Positive-Lifeguard80:
No-one from Reddit is going to move over to here, if these off-topic ads for a 501 corporation are going to stay up unchecked.
Ok, I'm going to address you both at once here.
A) most people aren't going to migrate, but that's just because they're fucking lazy.
B) it's well within our power to change what hashtags are on the side. We outnumber him. It would be easy, if we'd just fucking do it.
I started #HeightTranny to make fun of that leg-lengthening retard. There's no reason for anyone else not to join in.
I don't know who started #carnold03lovesvcards (or whatever it was), but it was funny as hell and was actually up there for a bit before fizzling out.
I can start adding #WouldNotBang to all my posts at my "would not bang" tribe.
We can start and use any hashtag we want, such as #carnoldisafaggot.
be the solution you want to see!
CC: @deeplydisturbed, @JamesSkepp, @ChantFire
Read MoreI do think you'll drive yourself nuts if you try to correct every misguided or dumb statement.
That's why when they're really dumb, I engage in mockery. Hence the hashtag #HeightTranny.
Claiming that reading books makes you smart is like claiming that bumping your head on low ceilings makes you tall.
Joke's on you! The swelling added 1/4" of height! Now I'm a #HeightTranny too! So there!
Kidding around aside....
Sure, you can make the best of what intelligence you do have by filling yourself with well-chosen information, and learning critical thinking skills.
hell, even smart people can have their heads filled with utter garbage and never realize it. Double-digit IQ types can read Leibniz and not be any better for it due to lack of understanding.
I mean, reading will sharpen your sword if it's good material, but you have to have a sword in the first place, as opposed to a flat rock.
I used to extend the benefit of the doubt and think most of those people meant that reading makes one more knowledgeable, but no, they really did mean smarter.
Evidently, it didn't work on them.
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