I've never dealt with either situation.
Much like @Stigma I don't play with it. Swapped my settings so I don't receive or send read recipes.
I don't need all that bull shit. I don't need her password or her location.
Knowing how my mind works, it seems like too much of an chore to keep track of. I'd get obsessive over any of the mentioned above if I smelled even a hint of problems.
I turned my on too
Also depending on what platform you're using, turning them on for yourself also turns on whether you see hers and vice versa.
I've frequently heard of women turning OFF their read receipts when shit starts going south or sus behavior, but what about suddenly turning them ON when they were never on to begin with?
I reject the premise of your question out of hand because when read receipts became a thing I knew this kind of shit would be the end game. Gawd damn sometimes I just can't be arsed to reply.
Either you're over thinking the read receipts or she's turned them on because she's also over thinking the communication/read receipts. Both ways, pack it in!
Asking because I've never encountered this before nor have I ever heard of women changing them to ON out of the blue.
It's probably nothing
I've frequently heard of women turning OFF their read receipts when shit starts going south or sus behavior, but what about suddenly turning them ON when they were never on to begin with?
If any context matters, chick i just banged all week on vacation seemed to turn them on the day I was flying out. She was upset i was leaving. Although in retrospect I think she did have them on during the week and I just didn't notice (had her dog with me and car all week). She probably did have them on actually but anyway they weren't on before i came out
She still has them on. I'm probably overthinking this but curious what suddenly turning the ON indicates. I turned my on too when I had her dog and car that week
You guys are looking at it from her pussy being that good, but the more likely reality is that Harry is that much of a fucking mop.
Both can be true at once. And from the rest of what you said, both things are true.
The book he put out is self-harm levels of loathing. It's called "spare" for crying out loud.
Holy shit. The poor bastard.
All that he had done and accomplished before meeting that cunt just wasn't enough to overcome that self-hate, huh?
You're right actually. I didn't know about his book but yeah if he is that self loathing despite his potential or objective capabilities then yeah he would fall for this
You guys are looking at it from her pussy being that good, but the more likely reality is that Harry is that much of a fucking mop. The book he put out is self-harm levels of loathing. It's called "spare" for crying out loud.
I'm fairly certain she is a narcissist, and their M.O. is to strip their victim of any self worth. Given his experience with the early 2000's media hounding him, his brother and his mother for that front page tabloid story (it was a massive culture back then in the UK) he was already primed to be mentally fucked.
It's less what she has to offer, and more that he has been torn to shreds psychologically and he puts all of his value in her. He is the ultimate blue pilled man.
This ^
But seriously, her pussy must be that good. Dude could have had a royal harem for life and 10 insanely hot girlfriends who are good in the sack but he threw that away for this pussy
All I'm saying is it must be god tier pussy