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I made a forums post inquiring about my crowdsource effort to reach a combined $100 per month for the TRP Patreon to remove all ads on the site
If we get enough for $100 (doesn't require too many people with the right numbers), and you joined that effort and donate your small amount of that monthly, you will STILL have ads permanently removed from your account, even if later on other people back out and ads have come back. Or if you have to stop contributing later on.
See original post for details, just trying to get the amount of a cup of coffee or two if people are feeling generous for the value TRP has brought for no expense all these years. Running list of people interested in the stickied comment
Maybe you or someone else can post it on reddit to see what comes back.
You know I got permanently suspended from that dump the same day you did, remember? They got you, me, and @aldabruzzo within an hour or two of each other. It's why we thought they were gunning for the WAATGM sub, but it appears to have been coincidence.
The big question is - how many sexual partners is too many for the average man?
I think it varies from man to man. I do know that Roosh managed to have too many, but he was in the hundreds if not thousands.
For all the talk about women's body counts
Ugh, don't call it "body count". That's for kills. Whatever happened to "notch count" or "N-count"?
I never hear anything about a man's. And at what age?
The few places I see/hear it discussed, it's the retards on YouTube who sully the Red Pill's good name. One retard said "30 by age 30" was the minimum, and mega-retard Myron Gaines said "100 by 30 or you ain't shit" or something equally arbitrary and retarded in an effeminate attempt to one-up initial retard.
The few serious discussions of it I've seen usually conclude that there is no minimum, the maximum varies from man to man, and quality is better than quantity although every man feels the impulse for quantity.
Read MoreI don't even go out on dates expecting to find a soul mate anymore.
I'd wager it's continuing dates with woman that are into me that I don't find a personal connection with that burn me out.
I equate it to basically a ONS bar lay but we repeat the action. There's no chemistry, at least from my perspective.
While I don't believe in soul mates, I think it's undeniable there are women out there I just click/connect with from the initial hello. Those girls for me are 1 in 100. Maybe 1 in 1000.
That's how it feels with this girl and I'd rather take her out once or twice a week versus seeing her every other week and filling in the gaps with women I'm simply fucking.
If I get a solid six months out of her, I'd be happy to have spent the time with her over other frivolous fucks. If it blows up in my face, pussy isn't hard to find.
Read MoreTo all you Jacobs out there - we finally found your origin story.
No worries bros, your secret is safe with us.
Good point.
Many of our best lessons involve subtleties like this.
I have sons, and we have covered this topic. The big question is - how many sexual partners is too many for the average man?
It's a serious legit question. I may post it one day, but there is just not that much traffic here. Maybe you or someone else can post it on reddit to see what comes back.
For all the talk about women's body counts, I never hear anything about a man's. And at what age?
you send me link to thread
Naw, it was intended only for his unhinged rant, not the entire thread.
I read thread
Well now that you've given me a clue what you're talking about, I went back and read it too.
By calling his shit "borderline unhinged", I was trying to be kind.
Yeah. Too kind.
Anyway, the fact still remains:
you don't go well.
I don't even go out on dates expecting to find a soul mate anymore.
You shouldn't even buy into the soulmate myth once you've taken the Red Pill.
FFS, it's the first chapter in Rollo's first book.
@deeplydisturbed before I get distracted replying to newer stuff, I caught that YouTube short yesterday but didn't get a chance to reply
Although it's a fictional skit for humor, it illustrates well why "don't even bother getting experience with women until you get to a certain point in your grind, around 30 years old or so" is such terrible advice to give young men.
For all that the dude in the skit didn't seem like much of a catch, he may very well have been rich.
A 30 year old man with money, but no dating, sexual, or relationship experience? Can an Epiphany Phase woman ask for a better mark?!