AWALT, how can I become better at recognizing their crap?
Hello brothers. So, all women are trash and will cheat. I’m trying to vet a bitch that gives me LTR vibes sometimes (good family, been on long LTRs in the past, lowish body count, no tattoos, doesn't party, no slut friends, etc), but I'd like to point some crap I've seen to hear what you guys think:
- Being very secretive of her phone (long password to unlock, fingerprint for all apps, all her chats in WhatsApp are archived so notifications don’t pop up, always on do not disturb, etc)
- Sometimes no answers after 10-11pm, even though she was with me at 9:30pm when I left her home
- Goes to the bathroom for like 20m to "try" to take a shit (I've monitored and she doesn't seem to talk with anybody else as I would hear)
- Tends to entertain other guys at the gym (laughs, flirt, talks, etc) in my fucking face (i play it cool like I don’t notice to not show I care about losing her), some of those guys are even more "Chad" than me
- Doesn’t interact much with me in social media but by spying in her instagram I see that’s not the case with other guys
- Some bikini photos when we went to the beach,
- All pictures are her alone, asks me to take her good pictures on the places places we go to but never publishes the ones with me
- Goes to other places in the house to pick up a call with her mom (I've monitored without her noticing and yeah the conversations seem to be with her mom given the stuff she talks there, the thing is, why the fuck she does that)
Essentially I need to understand how do you identify the line between being a controlling beta simp / stalker and being just not an idiot? I don't want her to cheat on me without me noticing, that would make me feel like an imbecile. I guess my question would be how can I better monitor for her cheating to see if she’s worth it
I also think sometimes she is just plating me but would like to hear how do you recognize that too. Sex tends to be great 2-3 times/week and we see each other frequently as we live close. Has never denied a plan to me or done other stuff that could make me suspicious (only the points I mentioned).
Consider investing into a reliable ready reference you can pick up and study to better prepare yourself for engaging the opposite sex. I'd suggest that you get yourself a copy of Doc Love's "The System: The Dating Dictionary". Doc Love, who until his passing was also known as Tom Hodges, wrote a weekly advice column that's archive is mirrored on several mens focused sites and a podcast. His media is a bit pricey, but it's a solid foundation a guy can branch out from in RP aware circles. I'd suggest you review his advice column to decide if his view on dating and relationships is aligned with what you aspire for yourself. To save yourself a search, give this scribed link a gander to find out if his book is something you'd like to add to your library. It should also be available on libgen.
Read Moreshe's a pro-life republican and I've been to her appointments when she was pregnant, listening to all her medical history
@bjorn I don't know if you realized this yet, but carnold is an autistic moron
Who the fuck thinks that miscarriages can only mean that the woman has had previous abortions?!
Yes, abortions increase the odds of future miscarriages, but the vast majority of miscarriages just happen without the woman ever having done that.
@carnold03 she's a pro-life republican and I've been to her appointments when she was pregnant, listening to all her medical history
no abortions. I wouldn't date a girl who ever had an abortion.
As I said, "the sad truth is your girlfriend likely had an abortion before you knocked her up, that's why she had the miscarriage." It's not a topic any female would have ever gotten into with you especially when they're of the equestrian class.
@Dark108 so forget her and get with a woman who actually wants you
@MentORPHEUS cos she up her ass, thinks guys should pay for everything. Drop her and do so sorts of crap, for what a kiss? I do believe she’s a virgin too which would make the whole thing exhausting right?!