4h ago Ask TRP
@Typo-MAGAshiv Well, in defense, english is my third language, and I write without any kind of spell checker or auto correct.
But I agree, it was retarted!! Retarded. Retarded. D.
I think I’m done and wanna go live like a monk or some shit.
You don't have to write off all women forever, to enter a period of Monk Mode.
Once you've spent some single time focusing on yourself and your needs and pleasures and goals, you'll probably find your head is much better screwed on when it comes to women. Especially true for those whose life history has been going from relationship to relationship without much "me time" between. Blue Pill time spent longing to a hurtful level for a relationship while single doesn't really count as "me time" in this manner.
But winning a LTR is HER problem, not yours. Handing a girl your devotion won’t magically make her worthy of it. When you WANT a LTR too badly, you place your focus on the idea of having a relationship instead of evaluating the girl.
One of the major flaws in my "Nice Guy" love life going back to the mid 80s. My well meaning Mom raised me quite well top operate in a world that was already gone before I was born.
I got bored of the superficialness of it, so I went into a LTR. Worst decision ever.
From HumanSockPuppet’s Guide to Managing Your Bitches (which is on the sidebar):
A long-term relationship CANNOT be your end goal. You can only be OPEN to the possibility of having one.
Men are the gatekeepers of relationships. Since a relationship is what you have to offer, you mustn’t just give it away. It must be a reward she earns in small doses for inspiring your trust and devotion.
I understand that many of you want a LTR with a good girl – sometimes a series of flings isn’t enough to fulfill you. Believe me, I sympathize.
But winning a LTR is HER problem, not yours. Handing a girl your devotion won’t magically make her worthy of it. When you WANT a LTR too badly, you place your focus on the idea of having a relationship instead of evaluating the girl. You become fixated on your fantasy relationship and selectively ignore the things happening right in front of you: her deep character flaws, her indiscretions, and the red flags.
You must regard women as candidates applying for the job of being your girlfriend – a supporter, a lover, a comfort away from the everyday battles. Don't just hire a bitch because you want the position filled. Make sure you vet your candidates fiercely and hire the right girl for the job.
It seems you wanted the relationship badly enough to put an unworthy woman in the spot.
On a different note, how long have you been with this woman?
Read MoreStar for this portion:
You are not responsible for her emotions. You are not responsible for how she feels.
And most important of it all, you dont need to save her.
However, for the crime of misspelling the word "retarded" in a very retarded way,
have some vcards!
What's the best way to approach including my GF's best friend in our relationship?
Before I begin, I want to clarify that this is a decision I've already made. I just want some advice on how to do it best. I came here to cut out any feminists or blue pill betas diluting the conversation and figured this was the best place to ask.
For context, I (Chris, 24), am living with my girlfriend (Kyleigh, 22) and her best friend (Emma, 22). They have known each other since Middle School. I started dating Kyleigh when she was a freshman and I was a Junior in college (4 years). Kyleigh and Emma were roommates until last year, when I talked my girl into dropping out of college, and they both moved in with me (initially to save them both money, but I think there was more behind it). I graduated 2 years ago and have been successful, certainly enough to provide all three of us with a comfortable living space and food. The arrangement is that I provide for the household, and they split the domestic labor, with some waitressing on the side for pocket money. All three of us grew up in the same conservative community, neither are feminists, and both have values about politics, religion, and family that align with mine.
I've known for a while that Emma is attracted to me. She's a virgin (as was Kyleigh before we started dating), and she's always complaining that "she can't find a guy like Chris" to Kyleigh. Since the three of us began living together, it's gotten a lot more obvious. When we watch a movie, for instance, Emma will take one side of me and Kyleigh the other. My girlfriend has shown absolutely no resistance so far as Emma gets physically closer to me. That includes a few drunk hook-ups that Kyleigh has laughed off as just us being drunk. While sober, I've slapped her ass and made other advances with my girlfriend in the room to test the waters, and she's shown no signs of resistance, maybe just because she knows better, but also maybe because she's into the idea, I'm not sure yet.
At this point, since I'm providing both of these females a place to live and basically paying for their lifestyles, I'd like to get more than just the cooking, cleaning, laundry, etc. out of it. If Emma is going to enjoy the lifestyle of being essentially my second girlfriend, then I feel it's fair that I get what I deserve sexually out of that relationship. As far as I see it, everybody wins.
I want to be clear that I'm not mad about my financial obligations (my girl is a 7 and Emma is an 8), I just want to capitalize on the situation and maximize my value here. I know it's not common in Western society today, but there's no reason why a man who can support multiple females and their children shouldn't be able to have multiple wives. Not to digress too much, but if more guys did it might do something to help turn around the birthrate and built stronger, male-led families, which we're obviously in dire need of. It also serves the broader mission of increasing male sexual power, which I've always appreciated about this group.
I'm curious what you guys think the best way to accomplish this is. Advice is appreciated, and I'll fill in any blanks I missed if you need them.
Consider investing into a reliable ready reference you can pick up and study to better prepare yourself for engaging the opposite sex. I'd suggest that you get yourself a copy of Doc Love's "The System: The Dating Dictionary". Doc Love, who until his passing was also known as Tom Hodges, wrote a weekly advice column that's archive is mirrored on several mens focused sites and a podcast. His media is a bit pricey, but it's a solid foundation a guy can branch out from in RP aware circles. I'd suggest you review his advice column to decide if his view on dating and relationships is aligned with what you aspire for yourself. To save yourself a search, give this scribed link a gander to find out if his book is something you'd like to add to your library. It should also be available on libgen.
Read MoreI’m 26, The last 7 or so years I’ve heavily focused on gaming women. I don’t know what my body count is anymore, I banged girls I used to think I could never, I got bored of the superficialness of it, so I went into a LTR. Worst decision ever. I’m so burnt out now. I feel some gay ass responsibility to take care of and provide for this girl but another part of me knows I’d be happier without her. And it’s not to go back to fucking women, i tried that and didn’t get caught but wouldn’t have cared if i did. I think im starting to not be able to stand women. They’re annoying, needy, their feelings always hurt, they’re not funny but think they’re hilarious, and generally dumb as shit. I think I’m done and wanna go live like a monk or some shit. I have no idea why I thought I needed women in my life to make me happy. I don’t even know what my question is anymore but the best life lessons I got were from you guys so I knew if someone could make sense of it it’d be here. Am I going crazy or does this kinda thing happen eventually? I guess I’m at the age my prefrontal cortex is done developing, or maybe I’ve just lived out the hype and there’s nothing to be excited about anymore?
Consider investing into a reliable ready reference you can pick up and study to better prepare yourself for engaging the opposite sex. I'd suggest that you get yourself a copy of Doc Love's "The System: The Dating Dictionary". Doc Love, who until his passing was also known as Tom Hodges, wrote a weekly advice column that's archive is mirrored on several mens focused sites and a podcast. His media is a bit pricey, but it's a solid foundation a guy can branch out from in RP aware circles. I'd suggest you review his advice column to decide if his view on dating and relationships is aligned with what you aspire for yourself. To save yourself a search, give this scribed link a gander to find out if his book is something you'd like to add to your library. It should also be available on libgen.
Read More15h ago Ask TRP
@Nathan I feel the same. It may sound retarted, but I was happier when I was falling in love with women, compared to now when they are falling in love with me. There is too much of neediness and dependency inside. Eventually I understand that I am dating 30 years old kid (or 40, or 20, or whichever age).
What helped me to have relationships that dont feel so bad is memorizing this (and internalizing it as well):
You are not responsible for her emotions. You are not responsible for how she feels.
And most important of it all, you dont need to save her.