Did you find a fake social media post and can prove it? Suspicious of a news report that sounds a little too manufactured? Here's a place to stick your head into, instead of the sand.
2mo ago It's Fake!
2mo ago It's Fake!
@Vermillion-Rx lol @deeplydisturbed is channeling that @lone_ranger Thread Necromancer energy
2mo ago It's Fake!
my sides. It took me a second.
You're welcome Bruh where u finding these 3 month old threads
2mo ago It's Fake!
I heard that in the voice of this little old lady from the Frank's Hot sauce commercial.
2mo ago It's Fake!
2mo ago It's Fake!
I don't' know how this thread came back but...
It had me because:
I have watched more than a few old movies that show all sorts of content that I always thought was TA-fucking-BOO. Sure, they were more subtle, but On the Waterfront and Casablanca are just two that were mind blowing about sex, etc.
Sure they used modern terms, but Memes all have an origin story. Like that "oh, no, oh, no" sped up snippet from "Walking in the Sand" Old things feed new things. "Tossing a salad" is a perfect example of shit they might say back in the day. That's how they rolled back then - although this was well before my time.
The sound quality is fucking brilliant. If anything it should have been THIS fact that tipped me off because I am a geek like that.
- I am much older and dumber than most people here. So there's that....
Seriously though. That song was hilarious.
Side Note: I created the www.trp.red/feed/t/foreshadowing for such things (when they are real) to show that red pill truths have been very openly promulgated for a very long time. Thanks to @redpillschool for the name of the tribe. My ideas were rubbish.
Read More4mo ago It's Fake!
Current event in Amsterdam. Israeli football fans went on a rampage around the city Saturday night, tearing down Palestinian flags, attacking middle eastern looking men, disrupting a moment of silence, and marching through the streets chanting, "no more schools in Palestine, because there are no more children left". Several news outlets redacted or took down their reports about the incident, most notably Sky News, whose editor also works for the Jewish Chronicle. The reports that went up in place of the originals portrayed the Israelis as victims of mob violence, when they were in fact the original instigators. News outlets reportedly offered on air retractions and apologies over their original reports even though these were accurate.
The live report of a 14yo Dutch Vlogger is one of the few reports on the incident still online in its original form critical of the Israeli hooligans. www.youtube.com/watch?v=ySHIOYyJ95A
Read More5mo ago It's Fake!
@CleansingFire you realize that entire thread was a joke, right?