2y ago 5th Generation War
Ewww. I've occasionally wondered (hypothetically ofc) would fat peoples' adipose tissue, if rendered, would taste/smell like McDonald's fries?
Human tissue reacts rather similarly to pork in most situations, and even tastes the same. I always chuckle when I watch interviews of people from primitive cannibal societies who talk about it being sweet. Their mind is so profoundly enfeebled by the traumas they sustained in eating another human being, who was usually someone they knew personally, that their psychosis compels them to rationalize it as appealing when their body language shows them recoiling in horror from just the memory of what they took part in.
I know it's comical to laugh at the rather mad assertions that land whales make in protests, but I've seen enough in regards to the lengths men will go to, solely to get their nut on to know many of you shouldn't mock those who've gone down that gelatinous rabbit hole. Massive and corpulent as that creature is, I am fairly confident that she has a good few orbiters, despite her obesity, and that they're by comparison vastly better looking men, than she has ever been as a female.
Then again, as the primitive cannibal is psychologically enfeebled by the horror of eating another person, so to is the former chubby chaser when reflecting upon their past actions after they find sites like TRP.
cc: @VasiliyZaitzev @redpillschool @Aging-Chad
Read More2y ago 5th Generation War
@VasiliyZaitzev Ewww. I've occasionally wondered (hypothetically ofc) would fat peoples' adipose tissue, if rendered, would taste/smell like McDonald's fries?
2y ago 5th Generation War
@redpillschool Who wants to tell her?
Jesus fuck she should be harpooned and harvested for the oil.
2y ago The Hub
2y ago The Hub
@Typo-MAGAshiv >it was a great, graphic illustration of his suffering.
You mean like it was "The Jesus Chainsaw Massacre"?
2y ago The Hub
I tend to think that Judas Iscariot gets a bad rap, and he may have been instructed to betray Christ. Why? His act was certainly a necessary one in Christian theology, and if one believes that Christ's suffering was only on the cross, and then he ascended to Heaven, and Judas was damned for eternity, then arguably Judas has suffered more for the salvation of humanity than Christ. It would seem to follow, therefore, that if one believes that Christ's death provides salvation for humanity, and, simultaneously, that Judas Iscariot is damned for all eternity, then one must believe in free will. If not, then Judas had no free will in betraying Christ, and could not morally be held responsible for his betrayal.
One might also wonder if Jesus' intercession with God the Father to "forgive them, they know not what they do" applies to Judas, as well.
Read More2y ago The Hub
@goodmansaysfuckyou Don't think they are going to be able to, this time. They are going to get gigantically butt-fucked. And I'm going to enjoy watching the bloodbath.
2y ago It's Fake!
@slutmagazine Never argue with a woman, even a 17 y.o. one in a gym. Waste.Of.Time.
2y ago It's Fake!
@slutmagazine Then why is he tryna move his doorstep to where he has FIVE Nato Countries on it instead of 2?
2y ago It's Fake!
@MentORPHEUS The Slants are in business as long as we let them be, i.e., so long as Western liberal fucktards like Biden are in power. Trump was decoupling us from them, which is like removing a parasite. They can only copy us, they can never BE us.